Thursday, June 1, 2017


Mama... Papa... Nanay... Tatay... Mommy... Daddy... Endearments that we call our parents may vary but they hold the same definition. They define those people whose love for us--- is unselfish, is unconditional and is beyond limit.

How do I call mine? I call my mom, "mama" and I call my dad, "papa." I could never be a parent myself but my parents have taught me how it is to love without any boundary. They did...They still do... 

They were the very first to celebrate any of my victories, even how small it may be. They bragged even when no body was asking. They cheered, they laughed, they believed--- every step of the way.

They were also the very people who ran for my comfort every time I fail. When I thought I had nobody, they were there. They were there when no one else did. 


Thank you for your love. I couldn't ever be me without having you both. Thank you for not letting go of me even when I was at my most difficult. 

I love you.

Love? Love is when mama and papa brought food at 9:00am when I am about to take an exam while apologizing of how little the food is

Ma, pa... Know that I am beyond grateful. I owe you everything. 

I could never have my own children but how I wish I could so I could tell them how their grandparents are. 


Thank you for your arms. They have never failed to nurture the child that I was. For the cuddles and snuggles that I have been accustomed to.

Thank you for your mouth. They surely have allowed me to know what is right and what is wrong.

Thank you for your legs. They have always guided me to the right direction. 

Thank you for your huge hearts. They have never failed to accept me even when I am on the wrong.

For everything... thank you. 

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